Friday, November 20, 2009

Gifts from the beyond

In preparation for the upcoming holidays I had taken the stockings down from storage in the attic and when I removed them from the bag they were in I felt something deep in the toe of my stocking...

Wait, what is this?  Can it be that I missed a present from years gone by?  Hard to believe I would do that!

I reached inside and sure enough out comes a little silver drawstring organza  bag covered with sparkling silver stars.  Inside is a lovely silver necklace with a brilliant pink petaled flower with a rhinestone studded center.


I was certain this had to have come from my mother.  Excitedly I sent her an email and then the photo.  She tells me this was a gift from my grandmother...who passed away 5/28/07.  I love that Grama found a way to celebrate with me now in spirit!


Rick Rockhill said...

Everything happens for a reason. You know that. I know that. Cherish that and meditate a bit over it too. There is a reason it was held and sent to you at this exact time.

JulesinParadise said...

What a wonderful "lost N found" story!

Roni Hunt said...

What a beautiful story!!! See she may be gone, but she'll be with you aways! You took such good care of her! You must have been ready for this pendant this year.